Course Offerings
Courses offered by BTA
The Online Course for Basic Digital Competence in Healthcare
Since 2012, the Bavarian TelemedAlliance (BTA) has been engaged in education and knowledge dissemination in the areas of health telematics, eHealth, and telemedicine. Its goal is to increase acceptance and knowledge of these topics so that everyone can benefit from the diverse potentials of digitalization in healthcare. To achieve this, the BTA also relies on specific continuing education and training opportunities.
Do you want to expand your knowledge in the field of healthcare? Digitalization is increasingly making its way into the fields of health, medicine, and nursing. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for all stakeholders in these fields as well as for patients and all interested population groups to have the necessary knowledge. This is imparted by the online course “Digital Health Course.”
Relevant topics include: eHealth, telemedicine, telematics infrastructure, ePatient record, digital health applications, health apps, eMedication plan, ePrescription, robotics, big data, artificial intelligence, AAL, and much more.
The content is structured in a way that makes it easy for laypeople to understand, thereby creating a basic terminological understanding of telemedical elements.
In a total of 12 teaching units, the theoretical foundations, applications, implementations, and the project landscape of the digitalization of healthcare provision are presented in detail.
Study Model:
- eLearning course (required: PC, laptop, or tablet PC and internet connection)
- Self-study content development
- Modular structure
- Practical relevance through illustrative practical examples and videos
Introduction: A visit to the virtual consultation room
1: Conceptual derivations, definitions, and distinctions
2: Technical basics, communication, security
3: Basics of information management
4: Medical information systems, electronic record systems, primary systems like HIS, AIS, etc.
5: Medical benefit analysis, evaluation concepts
6: Financing and remuneration structures
7: Processes in healthcare provision
8: Ethical considerations, data protection, legal foundations
9: Implementation of eHC and telematics infrastructure
10: International context, legal-political foundations, country examples
11: Application examples, telemonitoring, AAL, AI, VR/AR
12: Future challenges and perspectives
To deepen learning success, each learning unit includes control questions. After successfully completing the online knowledge test, a certificate is issued at the end of the course.
199,- €
(excl. VAT) Payment in installments is possible.
Download Flyer – Digital Health Course.pdf
For the Digital Health Course:
Your contact for questions about the course:
Yasemin Adali
Phone: +49 08453 33499 13