Support programs

Funding programs of the Bavarian Ministry of Health and Nursing
Already since 1995, the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Nursing has promoted individual projects and networks, thus enabling Bavaria’s pioneering role in the field of telemedicine. More information can be found here:
The funding program Promotion of Innovative Medical Care Concepts of the Bavarian Health Agency aims to ensure nationwide medical care of the highest quality that is as close to the home as possible.More information can be found here:

Funding programs of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Food Safety
Another funding program of the Bavarian Health Agency, which is of interest for health telematics, is the funding program for improving medical quality in Bavarian spas and spas. The funding program supports Bavarian spas and spas, as well as recognized mineral spring and peat bogs, to actively shape structural change. The future-oriented focus is in the focus. The aim is to sharpen the independent health profile with modern and new medical concepts, especially in the areas of early detection, (workplace) health promotion and prevention, as well as care, as well as to further improve medical quality. More detailed information can be found here:
As well:
Promotion of the establishment of doctors and psychotherapists in rural areas.
Fewer and fewer doctors are choosing to settle in rural areas. Therefore, additional incentives must be created so that more doctors settle there. The Free State of Bavaria therefore promotes the establishment of general practitioners, physicians and psychotherapists involved in general medical care as well as child and adolescent psychiatrists and child psychiatrists in rural areas. In case of particular importance, branch formation can also be promoted.
More information can be found here:

Funding programs of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology
The funding program technology-oriented start-ups (BayTOU) is intended to stimulate company foundations in promising technology areas. More information can be found here:
The development variant of the Bavarian Technology Promotion Program (BayTP) of the Bavarian State Government supports medium-sized companies in the development of technologically new products, production processes and knowledge-based services. More information can be found here:
The Bavarian State Government is supporting companies in research and development projects with the Information and Communication Technology promotion program. The grant is intended to support companies in research and development projects in the field of digitization and information and communication technology and to improve and accelerate their implementation into new products, services and business processes. More information can be found here: Promoter of the funding program “Information and Communication Technology Bavaria”“.
The medical technology promotion program (BayMED) is intended to facilitate research and development work in the field of medical technology and accelerate the implementation of research results in new products and processes. By implementing the knowledge gained, Bavaria’s competitiveness as a technology location will be sustainably strengthened.
More information can be found here:
The innovation voucher helps small and medium-sized enterprises to develop technically or technologically innovative products, processes or services by paying a part of external development costs. More information can be found here: Information on application and eligibility requirements:

Funding programs of the Bavarian Research Foundation
The Bavarian Research Foundation supports innovative research and development projects for the research and experimental development of technologies, processes, products and services. More detailed information can be found at:
Bavarian Research Foundation:
Funding Program “High Technologies for the 21st Century”

Funding programs of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology
KMU-innovativ: Health Research – Medical Technology
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), in conjunction with the Health Research Framework Program, supports high-risk industrial research and pre-competitive development projects of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of medical technology.

Funding programs of the Federal Government
Funding Database
With the aid database of the Federal Government on the Internet, the Federal Government provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the funding programs of the Federal Government, the Länder and the European Union.
The funding catalog of the Federal Government contains all funded projects from federal funds.
German funding programs
The Assmann Foundation has set itself the goal of promoting research and educating the public in the field of prevention. Prevention and health promotion improve people’s health, quality of life, mobility and performance. By the discovery of early stages of a disease, e.g. Through health check-ups, heart attack tests or other preventive examinations as well as through early therapy, the life expectancy of many people can be extended considerably.
The Assmann Foundation has set itself the goal of promoting research and educating the public in the field of prevention. Prevention and health promotion improve people’s health, quality of life, mobility and performance. By the discovery of early stages of a disease, e.g. Through health check-ups, heart attack tests or other preventive examinations as well as through early therapy, the life expectancy of many people can be extended considerably.
First and foremost, we would like to improve the emergency aid in the sense of emergency patients. Therefore, the work of rescue services, clinics and doctors should be facilitated, because this inevitably leads to a faster care of the casualty. We try to influence legislation to establish necessary improvements, optimize emergency services and apply the latest technology to ensure the best possible care for patients.
The Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion e.V. (BVPG) with its office in Bonn was founded in 1954 and is a non-profit, politically and denominationally independent association. 133 organizations are currently members of the BVPG, including above all the federal associations of the health service (such as the German Medical Association, the central associations of health insurance funds and associations of the health and support professions, but also educational institutions and academies), which is a priority in the field of “prevention and health promotion”. Respectively.
In 2004, the German Foundation for the chronically ill was founded in Fürth. The Foundation has set itself the goal of improving the care of people suffering from a chronic disease. Above all, this purpose is realized through the development, promotion and scientific evaluation of innovative forms of care as well as supporting patient training and care concepts.
The Foundation’s work is based on the conviction that cooperation between all those involved in care – from doctors, nurses and therapists to payers and health policy representatives – is an essential basis for improving the quality of life of people with chronic illnesses. An important role is also played by the patient himself – a proactive and self-determined treatment of his illness represents a significant success factor for coping with the disease and thus for the success of the therapy.
For the past eight years, the German Foundation for the chronically ill has been committed to improving the care of people with chronic diseases in the tradition of its founders.
The foundation links with the DDG a bilateral cooperation agreement, especially with the aim of matching research funding. The DDS is the initiator of the care project “Diabetes in old age”. It cooperates closely with the DDG workgroups: diabetes and geriatrics and prevention of type 2 diabetes. It is involved in the development of corresponding guidelines, concepts and curricula.
The IFG supports, promotes and organizes projects and events of the BDI. It is the contact person for sponsoring and cooperations with partners. Both companies and other organizations have the opportunity to promote BDI projects, e.g. Publications, specialist events and initiatives. The IFG is responsible for the financing as well as the handling and accounting of projects.
The Robert Bosch Stiftung is a non-profit organization. It sees itself both as an operational foundation that pursues its goals with its own programs, and as a supporting foundation that enables third parties to develop and implement interesting approaches – projects and initiatives – to accomplish social tasks at home and abroad.
Access to medical care for all people in the future – without rationing services. That is the goal of the Münch Foundation. For this to succeed, practical new approaches, innovative concepts and bold ideas are required. The Münch Foundation would like to support the development of these concepts and ideas and promote the implementation of the best concepts. That is why the Münch Foundation annually awards the Eugen Münch Prize in two categories: for a scientific work and for an innovative business model.
European funding programs
The Commission is awarding public contracts to acquire services such as studies, technical assistance and training, advice, conference services and advertising, but also books and IT equipment. How can I apply for grants and apply for jobs? On the following pages you can also see which organizations are financially supported and which EU grants are available through Commission departments, offices and agencies across Europe.
Links to the funding programs of the European Commission:
Horizon 2020 is the largest EU research and innovation program ever with nearly € 80 billion in funding over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
Responding to this challenge, research and innovation (R & I) under Horizon 2020 is an investment in better health for all. It aims to keep older people active and independent for longer and supports the development of new, safer and more effective interventions. R & I under Horizon 2020 thus contributes to the sustainability of health and care systems.